Overture .OVE to MIDI File Conversion

We can convert Overture .OVE or .SCW (ScoreWriter) files or Mac OS System 7/8/9 era Overture scores (no file extension) to standard midi files (.MID), or deliver them to you in any modern scoring/notation app, DAW, or midi sequencer. Overture is still a current product but many of these legacy file formats are no longer supported.

Overture for Classic Mac OS and Windows 95 were music notation (scorewriter) programs written by Don Williams. It was originally published by Opcode Systems and then later published by Cakewalk. Visually, the Overture scoring interface resembles Encore, another notation program originally by the same author. Overture was the first scorewriter to feature full Virtual Studio Technology (VST) hosting the software supports MIDI and audio playback. It was also the first music notation software that gave users control over all MIDI playback data such as note velocity, pitch bend and duration, utilizing a scrolling "piano roll" MIDI-editing view where notes could be moved and changed with the mouse. Today Overture is published by Sonic Systems (previously Geniesoft). Contact us today for a quote.

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Why Choose Deep Signal Studios?

  • File conversion work and tape transfers can be tedious and frustrating. Your time as an artist is better spent working on your music and mixes on a platform you know.
  • All work is completed by certified engineers with over 20 years experience with DAWs, MIDI sequencers, notation software, synthesizers, samplers, and tape machines. We have comprehensive knowledge about everything that has come and gone, as well as all current and emerging platforms.
  • Services are performed by native English speakers in the recording capital of the world, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Your files are secure. All work is performed in-house and in strict confidentiality. Client files are archived for 30-days upon completion of the project, and promptly destroyed thereafter.